Thursday, January 29, 2009

Amazing Shirt Store.

So I promised to talk about this on twitter the other day but I forgot. Anyway this site sells shirts from random artists each day they sell one design and after the day is over the shirt is gone forever. The best part is every shirt is only 9 bucks and 2 bucks shipping. You cant beat it!! You can check their archive for past shirts but remember 24 hours if you dont buy it you never can. I am in love with this site and idea.

Check it out at

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Turn Your Xbox 360 Controller into a Massager or something else...

A new application has been released from the XNA on Xbox Live for 200 Microsoft Points or about 2.50 USD. It uses the rumble on your controller and lets you control how strong it is as well as the pulse of it. Good for tense shoulders and other stuff... A pretty cool idea regardless. Im gonna try the demo.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

The Secret To Becoming Immortal

Follow this link...

New Huck G Custom.

This friday Huck will be releasing the next custom figure in his latest line. Limited to ten pieces and retail for 750.00 each. You know the drill as always Ebay 3pm ESTand will be sold out before you can even click buy it now.

Nike Women's Skinny Super High Dunks

Nike will be releasing a new women's line of Dunks, but with a skinny / super high design to them. Pretty cool looking for all the ladies out there.

Sony PSP Carnival Color Pack

Sony will be releasing these amazing looking PSP's in the Japanese market. Dubbed the "Carnival Color Pack". Too bad the system is still a waste of money. But I guess it proves that if you wrap a pile of shit in an awesome wrapper, it will at least be a good looking pile of shit.

Obama Run DC Shirt

This is a pretty awesome shirt Alex (  showed me the other day. I wish they would stop pumping out these amazing Obama shirts I want them all.

Mike Tyson Documentary at Sun Dance.

In the news this week over surprise engagement to a Big Brother star in the UK, Mike Tyson has found himself to be focal point again, this time at the Sundance Film Festival. The gripping “Tyson” documentary by director and miraculous Tyson wrangler James Toback (who has known the boxer since ’85) enjoyed much adoration and even a standing ovation at its screening at the festival this week.

The film is told entirely in the lisping voice of the former champ in footage culled from countless hours of interviews, the father of six recounts his rise and fall, from early days being bullied as a fat kid (“It was kill or be killed”), and being forced to defend himself in juvenile detention at age 12, to his training with legendary Cus D’Amato, to his days as world heavyweight champ and ultimately, his grisly public fall from grace - including a prison term and the infamous ear biting incident. Along the way, it’s revealed, Tyson squandered almost $400 million and lost nearly everything he’d ever earned, physically and emotionally.

The film is slated for commercial release on April 24.

Stolen from Hypebeast

Monday, January 26, 2009

Blue Hazel Chase.

This is randomly packaged in with some of the Asian Exclusive 9 inch hazels that I posted about a few days ago. I really hope I get one. The original one is 2-300 dollars now and its only one I am missing for my set. I like the blue better and it would be super awesome to get one.

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Resident Evil 5 Xbox 360 Red Bundle.

Microsoft is supposed to be releasing a Limited Edition Red Xbox 360 Console. Along with the system is a red trimmed hard drive, Resident evil 5, Red Controller, and a free download of Super Street Fighter 2 HD Remix. I gotta say it is quite sexy and would look nice in my store.

This is mind blowing!!

This is a 14,000 Megapixel Picture of the millions of people during the inauguration. You can zoom in on a face crystal clear at least a mile or two away if not more. Its amazing have fun playing with it.

Friday, January 23, 2009

Lil Wayne Rock Album.

Lil Wayne keeping up with his non stop work ethic and never ending  desire to be a rockstar, will be releasing a "rock album" April 7th. The first single "Prom Queen" drops in four days January 27th.

No Doubt x Paramore x The Sounds Tour.

No Doubt, Paramore, and The Sounds will be touring this summer probably Jones Beach and PNC. Fun Fact My Third Concert ever was No Doubt at Jones Beach with Weezer Opening in 1997.

Should be an awesome show.

So I got a bunch of awesome toys today. Kidrobot released the newest 3 inch UK dunny set (picture 1) so I drove to the city and went to My Plastic Heart and bought a case. It was a decent case nothing crazy but my last case was amazing so you cant win them all. I also got my scavengers that i bought from the KR message boards. I got a killer deal. i got almost all of them ever made for only about 5 dollars each when they retail for 12 each blind boxed (picture 2). And then I came home and the present Kylie bought me for Valentines Day came in the mail and she gave it to me now so I could put it up cause shes awesome like that. Unfortunately the lollipop came snapped off but apparently this is a common problem so I think I will just glue it on since these are long sold out and I love it too much (picture 3).

Ill post pics of my awesome Kathie Olivas Shelf as soon as I get some more risers from The Container Store to organize it better.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Lil Wayne Interview

I know im a little late but I just never got around to posting this last week. Its a good read.

Ninja Turtles 25th Anniversary Re-Release.

Playmates just rereleased the first 8 Ninja Turtles figures ever made with the original packaging. They come with a dvd with the first 4 episodes of the show as well.

My lovely GF just picked up the 4 turtles for me. I will pick the rest up at NY Comic Con they are doing a signing. 

The Barrack Obama Clan Aint Nothing To Fuck With.

This video is the new Presidential Suburban that follows the Presidents Cadillac around. It has a huge gatling gun that pops out of the roof instantly. Watch the video and check 42 seconds in and see how many shells the thing drops in a sec. Your fucked if you get in the way of this.

George W's last night in office.

This video doesnt allow embedding but click the link its pretty good.

Monday, January 19, 2009

Ghostbusters x Secretbase Hoody

ugh more hazels

So the all White version, and the Regular version weren't enough to drive me nuts. They are releasing an exclusive pink version in Asia. Luckily I got one and I'll just sell my reg one. Id love to keep both but I dont have enough money. But she is even more pretty that the reg one.


Forest Gump x Button

This is fairly true but I still loved both to no end.

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Friday, January 16, 2009


Virgin Megastore in times square is closing. They are getting kicked out because they only pay 51 dollars a sq foot in rent while the going rate in that area is 14 times more at 700 a sq foot. Virgin Time Square  is the biggest music seller in the entire country so thats a huge blow to music industry. Also The union square store is facing the same thing. I love that store and its the only place in the city I always visit when I am there. Even if I dont buy anything I just love going there.

Also Circuit City Announced today that they are closing every store and starting tomorrow every store will start to liquidate its inventory. This will cut 30,000 more jobs in the shitty economy as well as  create a giant empty store in almost every mall in America at a time where the economy is keeping anyone else from filling that spot. 

Tough Times.

Dark Side Obi Wan Leaked.

Developer Free Radical went out of business last week and the last games they were working were Timesplitters 4 and Star Wars Battlefront 4. I am very upset about Timesplitters 4 because a next gen one would have been amazing. Its one of the most underrated and awesome FPS games ever. Also the leaked alpha footage of Battlefront had the most amazing graphics. This is concept art from the game where Obi Wan Apparantly turned to the Dark Side which would have made for an awesome addition to Star Wars Cannon. Hopefully someone buys up the properties and finishes these amazing games.

Obama spiderman cover.

This week Marvel put out a special limited edition Cover of spiderman featuring Obama. Stores had giant lines outside before opening from people trying to get the cover. To make matters worse only 1 in every 20 copies made had the cover. Its going for 100+ on ebay. They are doing a reprint next week with a different colored cover.

Lego Obama Inauguration Ceremony

Here is a recreation of the Obama ceremony made out of legos. Thats a ton of mini figs.

I'll just leave this right here...

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Vicious Belts

My friend just started a new awesome custom hand drawn belt company Vicious Belts. Please check them out at 

Also please add them on Myspace at

Thanks everyone.

Random Youtube Videos from my account.

Here is a random lot of videos from my youtube account. Some of my faves I forgot about and just re-watched. Some huge Lulz.

400 Page Lemon Party: My roomate goes on vacation and comes home to a huge room plastered with over 400 lemon parties. 

TV Gets Fucked Up: Had to dispose of an old Microsoft interactive at an old job so my employees had some fun with the tv from it and some security bars. This was my first edit so it has a warm spot in my heart.

Special Ed: This kid Ed that would come in everyday all day and was more annoying than you can ever understand but would do anything for small amounts of money. This is my fave of his antics.

Roomate eats a HUge Blue Exotic Worm: This one was a huge hit over at My roomate (same one that got 400 page lemon party) needed rent money so we paid him a hundred bucks to eat A huge Blue Exotic Juicy worm I bought for my bearded dragon.

An Open Letter To Michael Cera

Dear Michael,

If you do not sign on to do the arrested development movie I will kill you. One of if not the best television show ever is finally getting to finish its story correctly and you had better be a part of it. If you do not I swear I will never watch another one of your movies ever again and if I ever catch you in the street I will Roundhouse Kick you in the fucking teeth. If you do decide to sign on which Im fairly sure you will because you dont seem like a moron and why wouldn't you want to be a part of that. BUt If you do sign on and I see you in the street I will just say hey man awesome movie and there will be no roundhouse kick to the fucking teeth. That is all please go back to the banana stand now.

Love (maybe),


Fall Out Boy Believers Never Die Part Deux

Fall Out Boy Announced today the dates and lineup for the Believers Never Die Part Deux Tour. This was a really good tour a few years back and the best part was the artwork for the stage done by Rob Dobi. I love his stuff. He did a really limited poster for them back in 2004 when they were opening for Mest. They sold 2 posters per show I have ot signed and hanging in my room. I actually got it signed on the first Believers Never Die Tour. They are pulling a ton of old merch out of retirement and updating it with a new twist supposedly. This is supposed to be the last Fall Out Boy American Tour for a long time and from the throwback name, merch, art and mid sized venues I think its gonna be an ode to the old days so hopefully there will be some suprises. The line up is pretty solid with the exception of Metro Station. I am glad the vast majority is with me on this one. I hope they get booed off stage everynight but there will probably be way too many 12 year old girls for that to happen. But I am suprised at the amount of hate coming from even them so who knows. Check out the awesome poster for dates and also for all the morons whining about no NY/NJ date, Bamboozle is the date for that area and as anyone who knows anything about tours knows, when you play a festival your contractually obligated to not pay within a certain distance and time frame of the festival so you dont take away from ticket sales.

Nike Dunk Spring 09

New Nike Dunk release for one of the spring lines. I really like these. Some good stuff is coming out. I really cant wait for the Air Yeezy's.

Resident Evil Umbrella Logo, Umbrella.

This is something that should have been made a long time ago. it is an actual umbrella from the Resident Evil Umbrella Company Logo. It is a must have for any Resident Evil fan and just pretty cool looking overall even if you dont know what it is. I will deff be purchasing one of these. Its available now for 14.99 over at

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

God I loooved This Show.

This is sooo true. Oh well, Cant wait for the movie.


This is the newest Digital Short from Saturday NIght Live this past week with NPH. 

Monday, January 12, 2009


This is an awesome live action replication of Super Mario Bros. Pretty impressive. Its from some Japanese variety show. Watch our for an Obama cameo. 

Sunday, January 11, 2009


we are not real. the order is not real. we are clandestine. we are ready. death before betrayal.we are not real. the order is not real. we are clandestine. we are ready. death before betrayal. we are not real. the order is not real. we are clandestine. we are ready. death before betrayal. we are not real. the order is not real. we are clandestine. we are ready. death before betrayal. we are not real. the order is not real. we are clandestine. we are ready. death before betrayal.

Every Simpsons Intro Couch Gag Ever. Amazing.

This is every couch gag from the simpsons intro from the past 20 years in under 5 minutes. Everything except this season. Pretty awesome.

Friday, January 9, 2009

Miserable At Best Video

Here is the new Mayday Parade video for "Miserable At Best." This was the standout track and my personal fave from this cd which for the life of me I dont know why they arent bigger. But anyway here it is...

Some Old Pics

I was going through an old hard drive and found these two pictures from the video shoot for The Take Over, The Breaks Over by Fall Out Boy. The first one is pretty clear I remember they cleared almost everyone out but let me stay. The second one is from the end when everyone is going nuts and im a little more covered. Its crazy going through old hard drives finding stuff you long forgot about.



Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Shes Beautiful

New 9 inch Hazel figure by Kathie Olivas and Mindstyle. I LOVE her stuff so much. This is the fist large piece released from scavenger set and is a variant of the chase from series 1. I cant wait til shes in my hands.

Andy Hurley End Of Year List

I decided to repost Andy Hurley From Fall Out Boys end of year list. Hes a really awesome guy and anyone reading this should go on over to his site, Check it out and maybe buy a tshirt or hoodie. He doesnt get nearly the credit he deserves. Check it out at

Anyway Here is his list:


1.weezer-the greatest man that ever lived

2.trap them-fucking viva


4.coldplay-death and all his friends

5.nin-head down


7.the faceless-planetary duality I-II


9.bigelf-gravest show on earth

10.kanye west-paranoid



1.the dark knight

2.slumdog milionaire

3.iron man

4.let the right one in



7.the wrestler

8.burn after reading

9.tropic thunder




1.trap them-seizures in barren praise

2.misery signals-controller

3.gojira-the way of all flesh

4.bigelf-cheat the gallows

5.elbow-the seldom seen kid

6.cursed-III:architects of troubled sleep

7.disfear-live the storm

8.the stills-oceans will rise

9.metallica-death magnetic

10.murs-murs for president


comics/storylines- summer by warren ellis-about a superhero who realizes true justice lies in killing the president, and taking it all apart! hero by warren ellis-similar to black summer. super revolutionary superheroes who fight injustice, even if its the system. and the main character is fucking vegan straight edge!!!


3.criminal by ed brubaker

4.wolverine-old man logan by mark millar

5.fantastic four by mark millar

6.punisher max by garth ennis

7.secret invasion by brian bendis

8.astonishing x-men by warren ellis

9.uncanny x-men by ed brubaker and matt fraction

10.batman rip/final crisis by grant morrison


tv shows/episodes-

1.lost-the constant

2.lost-there's no place like home

3.the shield-family meeting

4.battlestar galactica-he that believeth...

5.true blood-you'll be the death of me


video games

1.gta 4

2.mgs 4

3.cod 5

4.gears of war 2

5.fable 2

Friday, January 2, 2009

Hey Bre

Best of year list.

Here is my list of the best and some of the worst movies, music, and games of the year. 

I put the most effort into the movies and to be honest really had a hard time with the top 4. I moved them around so many times. In fact, each movie was in each of the top 4 positions at one time or another. I think I have finally settled on where I believe they should be. Instead of a top ten I decided to do a top 20. I made a list of my favorite 20 films of the year not the best per se but my favorite in order. With that being said the top 5 are actually what I believe to be the best 5 of the year and also my faves the 15 after that are just the ones I found most enjoyable.

This post is probably a bit long but I had a lot of fun doing it even though it took about 3 hours to type up and a hell of a lot more time thinking about it. I hope maybe someone will enjoy reading it. 

Feel free to comment and leave your lists id love to read them.

Without further ado here is my best and worst things in 2008...


I'd like to start off by saying I havent seen the following movies as of this writing and upon seeing them it most likely would change the list adding a few towards the top and knocking off a few from the bottom.

Let the right one in, Waltz with bashir, In bruges, Gran Torino, Milk, and Rachel getting married.

1. The Curious Case of Benjamin Button

This came in at the end of the year and just stole the whole list from every other movie this year. In a year which I believe to be the greatest in the history of movies this stood out the most to me. I loved everything about it. The effects, the story, the emotion everything fired on all cylinders for a perfect storm of a movie. The only part that took me out of the movie for about 15 minutes was when brad pitt appears at his current age with no makeup or effects. You get so wrapped up in the movie til that point that seeing that seems weird not the 80 year old baby. This movie is the perfect blend of Big Fish and Forest Gump and I cant recommend it enough.

2. The Dark Knight

I dont know what to say about this movie that hasnt been said a million times already. It should have had a lock on number 1 and it did until the awesome releases in december. At one point I had it at number 4 and it might actually deserve that spot but let me explain. The Dark knight is probably the most well made movie I have ever seen. It has one of the top 3 if not the best acting performances I have ever seen in Heath Ledger as The Joker. It is the second highest grossing movie ever made and it is amazing. I think the thing that kept it out of the top spot and put it at number 4 for a while was as amazing as it was there was no emotional investment in it and the other 3 films in the top 4 had an extreme emotional connect with me. Ill leave it at that.

3. The Wrestler

This movie is awesome. It came out of nowhere and has Mickey Rourke in an amazing come back role and the best acting lead acting role of the year. He has the oscar as far as im concerned. This is a heart breaking movie and as must see. Its only open in limited release right now but opens in wide release January 23rd which "coincidentally" is the day after the oscar noms.

4. Wall-E

Upon further viewings this may very well end up being my favorite of the year. This movie not only looked amazing but conveyed a deep message and had more emotion in its first 40 minutes than almost any other film has in hours and all without a single word of dialogue. This is Pixars finest film and thats saying something. It has already won movie of the year some places and has a chance at the oscars. I think the best animated award will forever keep an aimated movie from winning however. This movie has so much heart and is just amazing.

5. Speed Racer

This is the most fun I have had at the movies this year and is the most polarizing movie I have ever seen. I love love loooved this movie. Many people trashed it in reviews and just as many have ended up loving it. I am not sure why the huge split in opinion exists but I dont care. this is the best looking and most visually stimulating movie I have ever seen. The story was spot on, all the actors chosen were perfect, and it is just pure fun. This movie is going to find a strong following on DVD and become redeemed. Also this is the must own Blu-ray for showing what your set up is made of.

6. Iron Man

Who would have thought two of the years best movies and highest grossing movies would be comic book movies. This was an amazing movie in every area. Robert Downey Junior was perfectly cast and the main thing that made or broke this movie. His performance was spot on and turned himself back into an A list actor and made Iron Man into the public eye as one of the top tier super heroes. A lot of people forgot about this movie in the shuffle of amazing movies this year but it stands up over multiple viewings. 

7. Slumdog Millionaire 

Another late release coming out of nowhere and gaining a ton of steam. This to me is this years Juno, Little Miss sunshine, Etc.. Not that is like any of those movies in any way but in the sense that it is an underdog film becoming a huge hit more everyday.  I loved how this movie flash backed on everything to further the story. In any lesser year this movie would be higher on the list theres just too much good stuff this year. 

8. Wanted

I left this movie with my mind blown by what i had just seen. I loved every second of it. Its super crazy, Super fast, and super over the top. If you dont like crazy far out stuff you wont like this movie. But this is an action movie turned to 12 and is deff one of the years best.

9. Kung Fu Panda

This year had some of the best Animated movies ever and this was at the top of the heap. I almost dont even consider Wall-E an animated movie because it crossed over the normal bounds of kids movies but Kung Fu Panda is a classic animated movie through and through. Jack Black was made for this movie and I cant wait for the endless sequels. 

10. Forgetting Sarah Marshall

Appatow keeps cranking out amazing movie after amazing movie and has eclipsed Kevin Smith at his own art. Jason Segal is at his best here, Kristen Bell is as awesome as ever, Mila Kunis is awesome and Russel Brandt steals the show. I cant wait for the spin off starring him. The supporting cast are also This is the best comedy of the year and is funnier every time you watch. 

11. Role Models

12. Step Brothers

13. Pineapple Express

14. Hellboy 2

15. Bolt 3-D

16. Cloverfield

17. Burn After Reading

18. Nick and Norah

19. Zack and Miri

20. Tropic Thunder

Worst Movies of the Year.

1. The Happening
2. Jumper
3. 10,000 BC


Best show of the year


I could spend 2 days discussing a single episode of this show and all the stuff going on in background and hidden away. This show is the best thing to ever happen and I cant imagine anything ever topping it. I cant wait til Jan 21st. 


Best Album Of The Year

Fall Out Boy - Folie A Deux

This album is amazing. I have been listening to it non stop for 5 weeks and cant get enough. The only thing keeping it from total perfection is not putting What A catch donnie at the end. This album is full of monster singles. I cant say enough good stuff about this album. I own 3 different formats of it because its that good. Also the cover art is amazing and from one of the best artists in the world.

Honorable Mention. The Academy is - Fast Times and Barrington High

Most Dissapointing Album of the Year.

Gym Class Heroes - The Quilt

Not that this album is bad its just nowhere near the quality of their past albums. Some stand out tracks like Catch me if you can still make the cd worth the purchase but it could have been so much more.

Singles of the year.

I am splitting this into two lists the most influential of the year and my favorite of the year

Most Influential.

1. M.I.A - Paper Planes

This song was everywhere it was made huge by Pineapple Express and fit it perfectly, Spawned samples by Kanye West, Lil Wayne, Jay-Z, T.I. and countless others creating another monster single. It made another appearance at the end of the year in Slumdog Millionaire.

2. Katy Perry - I Kissed A Girl

This song was everywhere probably the biggest song of the year. Spawned my new favorite Pop Star.

3. T.I. - Tie Live Your Life  and Whatever You Like

This is just an amazing song and rihanna's flawless singing combined with T.I.'s flawless lyrics make one hell of a song. Whatever you like was an epic single and simplistic as hell but stays stuck in your head forever.

4. Kanye West - Tie Love Lockdown and Heartless

Love lockdown was the years biggest suprise and a huge change in style for kanye. Heartless is a better song but lacked the shock factor that lockdown had with its stark contrast to everything else Kanye has ever done. 

5. Pink - So What

There might be better songs this year but I couldnt think of them and this is deff up there. Pink has never made anything even close to a bad song. 

My Favorite Songs of the Year.

1. Fall Out Boy - Headfirst Slide into Cooperstown on a Bad Bet.

2. Kanye West - Robocop

3. Fall Out Boy - Americas Suitehearts

4. Katy Perry - Hot n Cold

5. Weezer - The Greatest man Who Ever Lived

Best Videos Of The Year

1. Weezer - Pork and Beans

2. Fall Out Boy - I Don't Care

3. Katy Perry - Hot N Cold

Video Games Of The Year

1. Gears of War 2

2. Rock Band 2

3. Grand Theft Auto 4

4. Left For Dead 

5. Call Of Duty World at War

Honorable Mention Devil May Cry 4