Heres my picks for the Oscars tonight. I am going to keep it simple category and my pick for it.
Actor In A Leading Role:
Mickey Rourke - The Wrestler
(Sean Penn has a good shot at taking it but I think Rourke deserves it more for getting his shit together and pulling off this awesome job)
Actor In A Supporting Role:
Heather Mother Fucking Ledger - The Dark Knight
(Do I really need to say anything about this if he didnt get this Riots would happen in the streets and it would bring on the end of the world. It was the greatest acting performance I have ever seen and the most Iconic and awesome Character as well)
Actress In A Leading Role:
Kate Winslet - The Reader
(This one is way hard to call and I think Winslet because shes not won for other noms and it may be her time. Meryl Streep has a good shot and I havent seen it but I have heard Anne Hathaway was amazing but I think shes too young so they wont give her one yet, she also put out Bride Wars in the middle of Oscar Season which might have been a nail in the coffin. In any case This ones too hard to call so I have little faith in being right)
Actress In A Supporting Role:
Marisa Tomei - The Wrestler
(Awesome Roll, Amazing movie. She needs a bookend for her My Cousin Vinny Award way back when)
Best Animated Feature Film:
(All 3 movies nominated were really awesome but Wall-E could hold its own for Best Movie of the year never-mind just animated)
The Curious Case Of Benjamin Button
(This is another hard one because The Dark Knight and Slumdog both have a good shot but I feel Button was the best in this dept. It should clean up for all the technical Awards)
Costume Design:
The Curious Case Of Benjamin Button:
(Another one that could go easily to another movie but again I feel this one will win)
Documentary Feature:
Man On Wire
Film Editing:
Slumdog Millionaire
(Another hard pick but Im gonna go with this one as it was probably the best)
Foreign Language Film:
Waltz With Bashir
(Tough one again could go to The Class)
Music Score:
Slumdog Millionaire
(Come on this one is easy)
Music (Song)
Jai Ho - Slumdog Millionaire
(Another Easy One but Bruce Springstein got snubbed hardcore by The Academy for The Wrestler)
Best picture:
Slumdog Millionaire
(Could go to Benjamin Button which I loved but in any case no matter who wins we all know what deserved to win and didnt even get a nom. The second Highest Grossing Movie of all time and not even a fucking nom. Total Bullshit)
Short Film Animated:
(This short is just amazing x 10. It played before Wall-E like all Pixar movies and This short was worth the 10 bucks to get in by itself. So so so awesome)
Sound Editing:
(Another one thats almost pointless to pick cause every movie in the category was awesome)
Visual Effects:
The Curious Case Of Benjamin Button
(All 3 movies had awesme effects but I think Button or Iron Man)
Writing Adapted Screenplay:
The Curious Case Of Benjamin Button
(They took a 9 page short story and turned it into an awesome 3 hours movie come on)
Writing Original Screenplay:
Milk or Wall-E
( I cant pick in this one so I am just going with the two most likely choices)